move from anxious and insecure to dating with confidence

Dating Coaching

You’re a single woman on the brink of turning 30 and you really want a relationship. You’re anxious AF because you want to meet your person before your next birthday

You have so many worries running in the background all the time: What if I never meet my person?? Why am I the only one of my friends still single? What’s wrong with me?

If you’re having these thoughts and feelings, you are not alone. I’ve got you. I’ve been there myself and I designed my proprietary dating coaching process based on exactly what I did to shift from single, anxious, and insecure to married to my soulmate.


AND… there are really key internal shifts that need to happen in order to energetically and emotionally align you to your soulmate. 

I know you want a soul-level relationship that just FEELS SO RIGHT in your gut. A relationship where you don’t have to doubt or wonder in the back of your mind if you’re settling. 

It’s going to take something different than what you’ve been doing so far to get you that quality of relationship.

That’s where somatic dating coaching comes in.

Somatic dating coaching guides you to the embodied feeling of confidence and self-worth that will make you a magnet for your soulmate.

Somatic dating coaching is deeper than any typical dating advice that you can find on the internet or from other life coaches. With my training as somatic psychotherapist, I facilitate the deep internal transformation necessary to stop chasing unavailable partners and start attracting high quality men. Healing at an energetic and nervous-system level is foundational to having the radiant self-esteem and magnetic confidence necessary on your dating journey.

With powerful embodiment exercises integrated into the coaching, we can shift anxious attachment patterns, facilitate inner child healing, and support you in embodying the healthy boundaries necessary to step into the dating arena like the empowered, sovereign, confident woman who you truly are.

It is that internal shift that will make you a magnet for a man who is in his king energy: a man who is secure in himself, is emotionally mature, takes responsibility for his shit, and will be a true partner in life. And that’s the kind of partner I want for you!

With my propriety somatic dating coaching process, the dating journey can be a juicy, rich, fun, exciting season of personal growth.

It’s possible that your single season can be a time when you’re STOKED on your life, enjoying your own company, and having FUN dating knowing this will be the last time that you’re single :)

This process is about feeling empowered, centering yourself, and embodying main character energy on your dating journey. 

You’ll be enjoying meeting new people, feeling experimental and playful with dating, and feeling the ABUNDANCE of choices that you have! 

No more feeling insecure and settling for people who make you feel unworthy, too much, too needy, and unsure of yourself. 

You’ll be leveling up, and only entertaining those who you MEET YOU on an emotional and spiritual level.

And as you make your way to your person, you can trust your timing and know no matter when you meet them, you’re having a blast enjoying your friends, your community, and your own life. 

Ready to up-level your dating life and align to your soulmate? Book a consult call below.