6 Lessons for Meeting “The One” in Your 30s
Hitting your 30s can signal a time when you feel over the dating game and ready to finally have a real partner in life. The thing is, dating in your 30s is different than dating in your 20s. These are six lessons I learned from dating in my 30’s, and the absolute MOST important things for you to know when you’re over dating and truly ready to meet THE ONE.

Is it too late for me to find love? Why dating in your 30s is even better.
There’s such a pressure on finding “the one” by age 30, that by time you’re in your 30s you wonder if it’s too late for you to find love. I’d argue that your 30s are an even BETTER time to meet your person than your 20s. Here’s why.

Desperate for Love: how to use parts work to feel confident in your dating life
Dating from a place of desperation only makes us feel worse. It’s learning to give ourselves love and validation that helps soothe the desperation. Here’s a step by step process to practice loving ourselves in a way that will make it easier to feel confident and self-assured in your dating life.

Navigating the Path to Healing: Exploring Trauma Therapy Options, Specialists, and Success Rates
In this article, my intention is to instill hope by sharing that there are effective therapies for trauma and that healing is possible.

Unlocking the Healing Power of Somatic Therapy: Exploring Its Methods, Costs, and Distinctions
In this comprehensive guide, I dive deep into what somatic therapy is, exploring how it works, potential costs, and what sets it apart from other therapeutic modalities.

How to start healing your inner child
So, you’ve heard a lot about healing your inner child. You know it’s an important step on your journey to create a healthy relationship with yourself and crucial to having the romantic relationship you want. But what does inner child healing really mean? And how do you actually do it? Let’s dig into what inner child work means along with some tangible practices to start the process.

3 signs that you’re close to meeting your person
Have you ever wondered if you are ever going to meet your person? Worried that it’s never going to happen for you?
When we’re single and longing for a relationship, it can be easy to slip into hopelessness that we’ll never find our person. Especially as almost-30 women, there can be so much pressure on finding a relationship, which makes us even more anxious.
Part of the angst is that we have no idea if we’re getting any closer to meeting our match. We have no idea if or when it’s going to happen. But there are some internal signs that you are really close to your finding a partner who’s truly aligned for you. Here are 3 of them:

How to enjoy being single when you’re on the brink of turning 30
When we’re single and on the brink of turning 30 it can be so hard to stay present and enjoy life. We’re worried about finding a partner and we’re anxious that time is running out. It can feel like we’re frantically dating and stressing about whether we’ll find “the one”.
But if we really want an authentic, loving relationship, it’s going to require that we date from a place of love rather than fear. It’s going to require that you invest in your life as it is now and approach dating like it’s the cherry on top of an already thriving life.
Here are some ways to do just that.

6 Signs Your Inner Child Has Taken Over Your Dating Life
Have you noticed a pattern in relationships where you feel overly needy? Anxious all the time? Acting out in ways that you regret afterward? Staying in relationships that you know logically aren’t right for you?
These could be signs that your inner child has taken over your dating life. This means that your adult relationships are being run by childhood patterns, and that you as an adult aren’t actually in the driver’s seat of your dating life. I’ll detail six specific signs below that indicate that your adult relationships are being run by childhood patterns.

5 Steps to Date from Main Character Energy
How often have you dated out of a fear of being single? How often have you hung onto the first person who gives you a shot? Ignored red flags because you’ve got to make something work?
When we’re single and on the brink of turning 30, there’s so much pressure on finding a relationship.

Escaping the Comparison Trap
That’s exactly what the comparison trap does to us - makes us completely stuck. Unable to move, express, take action. It just sucks our energy, self-esteem, confidence, creativity, and uniqueness and makes us hide, stay small, stay invisible.

Trauma Therapy: Accessing Our Bodies’ Innate Capacity to Heal
I am currently in the midst of being trained in a profoundly beautiful trauma therapy modality called Somatic Experiencing. I’m just coming off of the first 4-day weekend intensive of my intermediate year of training, and I am struck by the simplicity, depth, and effectiveness of this work in healing traumas of all kinds. I am drawn to share my knowledge of this work so far, as it holds the potential to be transformational for all of us.

Radical Self Acceptance
In our white supremacist, patriarchal culture and capitalist society, we think that we need to always be better. Be more, do more, improve, strive. And we think that the way to get there is to push ourselves. Internally beat ourselves up. We think that if we’re just harder on ourselves, then we’ll work harder, do more things.

Capitalism vs. Spirit
This time period during the COVID19 pandemic has disrupted our capitalist society, which functions on the constant, never-sleeping grind of industry. With a forced pause, we’ve been given this rare opportunity to step outside of societal constructs. I’ve noticed a new perspective coming in for many on an individual, communal, and hopefully societal level.