3 signs that you’re close to meeting your person

Have you ever wondered if you are ever going to meet your person? Worried that it’s never going to happen for you?

When we’re single and longing for a relationship, it can be easy to slip into hopelessness that we’ll never find our person. Especially as almost-30 women, there can be so much pressure on finding a relationship, which makes us even more anxious.

Part of the angst is that we have no idea if we’re getting any closer to meeting our match. We have no idea if or when it’s going to happen. But there are some internal signs that you are really close to your finding a partner who’s truly aligned for you. Here are 3 of them:

  1. You can walk away from situationships

You’ve gained the inner strength to walk away from relationships, or situationships, that aren’t right for you. You’ve had the experience of being the one to end things. You’ve been able to initiate the break up. You know that you have the ability to walk away when your needs aren’t being met.

When you know that you will be the one to leave if things aren’t right, you build a sense of trust with yourself. You know that you’re the one looking out for you, that you’re the one that’s not going to let you settle.

Each time you say no to what’s not right, you pivot more into alignment with what is right for you. Like an archer aiming your arrow at the bullseye, your energy becomes full of potential and magnetism.

2. You feel more at peace with being single

You’re enjoying your life as it is, and you’re trusting your process on the dating journey. You’re no longer dating out of desperation, but rather out of excitement and curiosity. You can take breaks from dating when you need to, and then when you feel like it you go on more dates again. You’re appreciating your solo time, and you have a sense that things will work out when they’re supposed to.

3. You sense that this could be your last season being single

You’ve had the thought, wow, this could be my last spring being single. This might be my last beach vacation without a partner, or the last apartment I live in by myself. You smile to yourself when you have that intuitive feeling that this could be your last season of life as a single person. And this just helps you continue enjoying your freedom and independence, knowing that it’s temporary, knowing that you and your person are finding your way to each other.


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