Navigating the Path to Healing: Exploring Trauma Therapy Options, Specialists, and Success Rates

When you’ve experienced a trauma, it can feel immensely dark, lonely, and hopeless. After traumatic experiences, we often feel incredibly betrayed, fearful, and like we can’t trust ourselves or the world. Sometimes we’re overwhelmed with fear and anxiety, stuck in spirals of worry and paralysis. Other times we feel depressed, alone, ashamed, and like no one could possibly understand. 

Trauma is not always a one-time event. Sometimes the trauma we’ve experienced has been developmental; meaning something we’ve grown up with across our childhood, adolescence, and into adulthood. It can be something so subtle and ever-present, that we are not even aware that it was wrong until later in life when a new perspective emerges. 

Whatever the type of trauma that we may have experienced, the common thread is that we feel overwhelmed by something that was immensely terrifying or horrifying. What we experienced was too much, too soon. It happened so fast and so horrendously that our bodies, brains, nervous systems, and psyches were incredibly overwhelmed. This can result in patterns that look like the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and depression.

In this article, my intention is to instill hope by sharing that there are effective therapies for trauma and that healing is possible. As a somatic trauma therapist, I’ve had the profound honor of witnessing my clients heal from trauma, experiencing more of a sense of freedom, empowerment, agency, and presence in their lives again. I’ve seen clients create meaning from pain, find a deeper sense of connection to their true selves, and move forward into life with a renewed sense of hope and possibility. 

In the following sections, I will delve into describing a few different trauma therapy options, the distinction between therapists and trauma therapists, what a trauma therapist does, and the success rates of trauma therapy. My hope is to provide you with a better understanding of what trauma therapy is and encourage you to experiment with which modality might be a good fit for you. 

What therapy is best for severe trauma?

When we’ve experienced severe trauma, figuring out what kind of therapy to look for can be an overwhelming process. Finding a type of therapy that is particularly designed to address trauma is crucial. As talk therapy may not be able to effectively resolve the impact of severe trauma, I want to outline a few specialized approaches.

Here’s a list of five trauma therapy options to consider: 

  • Somatic Experiencing (SE): Developed by Peter A. Levine, SE is a body-centered approach that focuses on releasing stored trauma energy and restoring bodily regulation. It's suitable for individuals who prefer a holistic, somatic approach to healing trauma.

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR): EMDR is a structured therapy that utilizes bilateral stimulation to help individuals process traumatic memories. It an effective therapy to treat PTSD and various trauma-related conditions and can provide rapid relief.

  • Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET): NET is a structured therapy designed for individuals who have experienced complex trauma, such as war-related trauma. It involves the creation of a narrative that helps individuals reframe their traumatic experiences and build a coherent life story.

  • Brainspotting: Brainspotting is a focused and brain-based therapeutic approach that helps individuals process trauma and emotional distress. It targets specific "brainspots" related to the traumatic experience, facilitating healing and resolution.

  • Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (TFCBT): TFCBT focuses on addressing trauma-related thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, helping individuals process their experiences and build resilience. It's particularly effective for individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and related conditions.

Discerning which of these might be best therapy for severe trauma depends on the person and their unique needs. A healing journey is a journey of exploration, and finding the right therapist who specializes in trauma is the first step. I encourage you to be open to trying out a few different options and taking the opportunity to shop around until you find the right fit. Often the relationship with your therapist is the central part of the healing process, and can even be more important than the type of therapy itself. 

What is the difference between a therapist and a trauma therapist?

While many therapists can work with a variety of mental health diagnoses, that does not mean that all therapists are equipped to effectively treat trauma. Trauma therapists have additional training in a particular trauma treatment modality, and have particular expertise on the symptoms and treatment of trauma. 

Here is how a trauma therapist may differ: 

  • Training: Trauma therapists receive specialized training in understanding the psychology of trauma, its effects on the mind and body, and evidence-based techniques for healing.

  • Expertise: They have a deep understanding of trauma-related issues, allowing them to tailor their approach to the specific needs of clients who have experienced trauma.

  • Safe Space: Trauma therapists create a safe and non-judgmental space for clients to explore their trauma without fear of retraumatization.

  • Specialized Techniques: They use trauma-specific techniques that have been proven effective in helping individuals heal from traumatic experiences.

What does a trauma therapist do?

There are several stages of therapy and many different things that a trauma therapist might do to guide individuals on their healing journey. Here's an overview of what they do:

  • Assessment: They conduct a comprehensive assessment to understand the client's trauma history and the impact it has on their life.

  • Creating a Safe Space: Building trust and creating a safe, non-judgmental environment is crucial for trauma therapists.

  • Education: They educate clients about trauma and how it affects the body and mind, empowering clients with knowledge.

  • Techniques and Interventions: Trauma therapists use evidence-based techniques, such as EMDR, somatic therapies, and TF-CBT, to help clients process trauma.

  • Emotional Support: They offer emotional support, validation, and understanding throughout the healing process.

  • Coping Strategies: Trauma therapists help clients develop healthy coping strategies to manage triggers and overwhelming emotions.

  • Resilience Building: Their goal is to empower clients to build resilience and regain a sense of control over their lives.

What is the success rate of trauma therapy?

The success rate of trauma therapy varies from person to person. Factors such as the severity of trauma, the individual's readiness for therapy, and the chosen therapeutic approach all play a role. However, numerous studies show that trauma therapy can be highly effective in reducing symptoms and improving overall well-being.

Success in trauma therapy is a collaborative effort between the therapist and the client. It often involves a commitment to the healing process, a strong therapeutic alliance, and a therapy approach that resonates with the individual's needs. Many individuals who embark on this journey experience substantial improvements in their mental and emotional health, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling life.

In conclusion, when we’ve experienced trauma, it can feel like healing is impossible. I hope this article has given you hope in seeing that there are many different types of trauma therapy that are effective in supporting you to return to a sense of aliveness, empowerment, and resilience again. Finding the right trauma therapy and a skilled trauma therapist can make all the difference. If you or someone you know is grappling with trauma, remember that healing is possible, and there's support available. Healing happens in connection, and you don’t have to do this alone.


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